If someone had told me three years ago that I would be remarried, with child (JK…LOL) and have a profession as a Personal Trainer I probably would have chalked them up to being crazy! You really never know where life is going to take you but there is something about being open to the possibilities and rolling with the waves! I have journaled about my “mental game” before and again it has reared its ugly head. It took me months to get over the fact that people wanted ME to train them, not always Dan. In my head, I thought, “Dan helped me get to this point, so people are going to only want him”. The reality is I have walked the journey that so many of you are currently on and have gained an endless amount of knowledge over the last year and I AM capable to train individuals, I am valuable and this has been a big mental hurdle for me to overcome. Truly being able to see my worth as a trainer. Yes, Dan trained me and has taught me so much but ultimately, I am the one who chose what I put in my mouth and I am the one who chose to work out when I didn’t want to! It was my determination and commitment that got me where I am today… Officially 85LBS lost! Now I can help individuals with their own mental game as they struggle through the…”I gaining a pound when I was convinced I had lost one”, and the individual who…wants to give up because they have yet to see results. Not only are Dan and I Personal Trainers but we are also counselors and mentors to our clients. This is the biggest privilege of all! This is why Dan has the moto “Its personal before training” because the relationship and trust we build with our clients is more important than the training itself. My favourite part about training my clients is the friendships I have with them. Hearing about their life, their kids, their struggles, being a listening ear for them, and coaching them through life’s battles. I encourage you today to start to work on yourself, your mental game and your personal development. Be aware of your negative thoughts, bring them to the forefront of your mind and replace them with a truth. Ask yourself “what are the outcomes I am trying to create on my fitness journey? How can I improve my mindset, attitude, philosophy, behaviour and character? What will grow me? What are 5 things I love about myself?” All of these questions are vital for your personal development. Take some time to think each one through and jot them down, when it’s written it’s real! When you grow, everything in your life grows with you, it all starts with you so take some time and grow you!
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